We thought it might be helpful to have some reflections on various characters who have informed the Community’s journey, as we travel through the year. Many of these may also be found in Celtic Daily Prayer. Some others have also been included who have been influential in the Celtic lands, and some significant festivals are also included. We’ll post articles here on this page, according to whose ‘day’ is coming up, and each article will appear for 1 week prior to and 1 week following that day. At the end of each article we have provided a prayer which you may find helpful as you meditate on the saint’s life. You can also use the table below to explore who else is in the list.
New Year: 1st Telemachus: 1st Juniper: 4th Hilary of Poitiers: 13th Kentigern: 13th Ita: 15th Paul of Thebes: 15th Peter the Apostle: 16th Anthony of Egypt: 17th Canaire: 28th
Brigid: 1st Candlemas: 2nd Elfleda: 8th Teilo: 9th Caedmon: 11th Finan: 17th John Hyde: 17th Colman: 18th Polycarp: 23rd Shrove Tuesday: 28th (2017)
David: 1st Ash Wednesday: 1st (2017) Chad: 2nd Owini: 4th Billifrith: 6th Baldred: 6th Senan: 8th Paul Aurelian: 12th Patrick: 17th Joseph of Arimathea: 17th Cuthbert: 20th Herebert: 20th Ethilwald of Farne: 23rd Felgild: 23rd Oscar Romero: 24th
Mary of Egypt: 1st Martin Luther King Jr: 4th Dietrich Bonhoeffer: 9th Maundy Thursday: 13th (2017) Good Friday: 14th (2017) John Mark: 25th
John the Beloved: 6th Julian of Norwich: 8th Comgall: 11th Brendan: 16th Bede: 26th
Kevin: 3rd Eadfrith 4th Columba 9th Alban: 22nd Etheldreda 23rd Bartholomew of Farne: 24th Irenæus: 28th
Germanus of Man: 3rd Thomas: 3rd Boisil: 7th Benedict of Nursia 11th: John Cassian 23rd ‘Holy Olav’ of Norway: 29th Ignatius of Loyola: 31st
Oswald: 5th Clare of Assisi: 11th Mary Mother of Jesus: 15th Oswin: 20th Ebba: 25th Ninian 26th Pelagius: 28th Aidan: 31st
Teresa of Calcutta: 5th Matthew the Apostle: 21st Henri Nouwen: 21st Adamnan: 23rd Cadoc: 25th Michael and all angels: 29th
Thérèse of Lisieux: 3rd Francis of Assisi: 4th Paulinus: 10th Wilfrid: 12th Teresa of Avila: 15th Gall: 16th Luke: 18th Tuda: 21st Cedd: 26th Eata: 26th Begu: 31st All Hallows: 31st
All Saints: 1st Illtyd: 6th Willibrord: 7th Martin of Tours: 11th Celtic Advent: 16th Hild: 17th C.S. Lewis: 22nd Columbanus: 23rd Eanfleda: 24th
Charles de Foucauld: 1st Jean Donovan: 2nd Diuma: 7th Thomas Merton: 11th Finnian of Clonard: 12th John of the Cross: 14th Catherine de Hueck Doherty: 14th Samthann: 18th Christmas Eve: 24th Christmas Day: 25th Stephen: 26th John the Beloved: 27th Holy Innocents: 28th John Wycliffe: 31st