Staying at Nether Springs


df“Seeing a stranger approach, I would put food in the eating place, drink in the drinking place, music in the listening place, and look with joy for the blessing of God, who often comes to my home in the blessing of a stranger” 


Nether Springs is the home, and ‘Mother House’, of the Northumbria Community. Situated in peaceful Northumbrian countryside, our home welcomes people from all over the world and from all kinds of backgrounds, whether they are part of the Community or not, and wherever they are on their journey of faith. You can read further details about the ethos and story of Nether Springs.


Nether Springs Sign 1People come to the Nether Springs for many different reasons, including: making a retreat; giving themselves time to rest and reflect; seek guidance; study; or just out of plain curiosity about the Community or the Celtic Saints and the Northumbrian landscape. Whatever your reason, welcome.

Living room2Nether Springs is also the home of a small resident expression of the Community, who in the context of seeking God themselves, help keep the home running smoothly and facilitate retreats for guests. We look forward to being with you during your visit.

People have asked a wide range of questions about coming to Nether Springs, you can find lots of information about staying with us, how to find us, and a host of other things by using the navigation menu on the right hand side of this page. Do take time to have a browse through this if you haven’t stayed with us before. If in doubt, or if you have a question we haven’t thought about (possible prize for the most original question), please contact the Community Office.

If you would like to book onto a retreat at Nether Springs, please click here