The Nether Springs is the Mother House and home of the Northumbria Community. It is a semi-residential expression of what is at the heart of the Northumbria Community – the exploring, embracing and expressing of ‘a new monasticism’. A monastic school of life, not a monastery but a centre where monastic values and spiritual disciplines from the monastic tradition are outworked, lived, taught – living what we teach, by teaching what we live – with the Rule of Availability and Vulnerability and the rhythm of the Daily Office being our framework.
Among the many facets of Nether Springs as the ‘home’ of the Community is the offering of hospitality. A safe place, where a stable instability and a certain uncertainty offers Hope. A place of retreat where people can explore the questions for themselves: Who is it that you seek?, How then shall we live? and How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?
One of the great blessings of Nether Springs is that people from all kinds of backgrounds, and from all over the world, meet around the table and share food together. You’re welcome to come and share with us.
If you’d like to come to Nether Springs you should find quite a bit of helpful information on this section of the website, such as the programme of retreats or about staying with us. If you’d like to find out more, or talk to someone about visiting, please contact us at the Community Office.
Need details of how to find Nether Springs?