Here are answers to some questions we are frequently asked concerning the Northumbria Community in Australia
1. What does the Northumbria Community ‘look like’ in Australia?
In the vast continent of Australia that we lovingly call ‘down-under,’ people in a variety of ways have connected with Northumbria Community in the UK. Some went on a pilgrimage in the UK and found the Northumbria Community. Others just began to use Celtic Daily Prayer. No one organised this. It just happened. And undoubtedly this is part of a search of people in the West for a deeper spirituality. Today there are some people throughout Australia who use Celtic Daily Prayer, and others have become Friends and Companions. In Brisbane several years ago Northumbria Community – Brisbane was formed of both companions and friends.
2. Is there a Northumbria retreat house in Australia, like Nether Springs or the other Community Houses?
We occasionally have retreats near Brisbane. Information is available through our Brisbane database. Email to receive the weekly Brisbane newsletter.
3. What is a Community group and is there one near me?
While there are a number of friends of Northumbria Community scattered across Australia, there is a group of companions and friends who meet bi-monthly in Brisbane. We gather for prayer, liturgy from the Celtic Daily Prayer, interaction with our Rule of Life and fellowship. There are also some smaller groups who meet monthly to engage with the novitiate process and discussing what the Rule looks like in their lives.
A Community group comprises one or more companions and others who come together to encourage each other in the Rule of Availability and Vulnerability. They share prayer, liturgy and fellowship. The Community groups are in and around Brisbane.
4. Are there any Northumbria folks near me who I can contact and/or meet?
Apart from the Community groups in Brisbane, the best way to find others connected with Northumbria Community is to contact the office at Nether Springs as they retain the database.
If you are interested in contacting Northumbria Community in Brisbane email Dawn Courtman at
5. I feel very drawn to the Northumbria Community. How can I pursue my interest and connection to the Community here in Australia?
Initially you can become a Friend by contacting the Northumbria office and ask for the introduction pack ( Included in this e-mailing is our prayer guide (used with the daily office), the latest issue of our e-newsletter, a booklet entitled ‘Journeying with the Community, A Brief Introduction’ – which is full of good information about us – and a database form which must be emailed back to the office in order for you to be on our database. Once you are on our database as a Friend, you will receive all regular mailings.
6. I have been using Celtic Daily Prayer for years and am feeling drawn toward becoming a Companion. Is it possible to enter the novitiate from Australia?
The first step is to become a Friend with the UK database. Contact us and we can let you know of any retreats, and if you are in the Brisbane region you can link with a Companion to enter the novitiate process.
7. I am interested in making a visit to Nether Springs. Is there anyone in Australia who can help me plan the journey from here to there?
Yes. Contact Simon Tinkler:
8. Can I purchase Northumbria resources in Australia?
Our prayer book, Celtic Daily Prayer has been published in the US and is available through Amazon and other web-based bookstores. All of our other resources (CD’s, booklets, etc.) are published in the UK and from Australia can only be purchased through the online shop on the website.
9. Northumbria down under – who and what are we?
The manifestation of the local expression of the Body of Christ of the Northumbria Community in Australia is a wonderful gathering of a rich and diverse group of individuals, called to honour God and to specifically act as servants to each other and to the local church. Although the group is small they are extremely diverse. A number are involved in training spiritual directors, some are writers, one is a theologian, another connected with chaplaincy work, some are engaged in creative ministries and others in hospitality work. No matter what the gifting and calling of the individuals, the essential charisma is contemplative prayer, vulnerability and availability.
Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia National Conference Talks 6-7 June 2015
Charles Ringma, TSSF and a Companion of the Community, delivered three talks at the 2015 National Conference in Sydney Australia:
- A Long Obedience In The Same Direction
- Contemplation in a World of Action
- The God of Life’s Transitions