As a registered charity, we do not ask for a set fee to cover your stay at Nether Springs, but invite donations to support the work of the Community. This is important to us as we don’t want to exclude anyone from staying at Nether Springs on financial grounds. For your guidance, and if you are able, the suggested donation is a £80 per guest per day full board. Children aged 14 or under are half the suggested donation, and there is no expectation of a donation for those under 8.
We ask that you make as generous a donation as is possible without risking hardship; the generosity of those who can afford more will enable the Community to support those who cannot. As the weekly and monthly costs of running Nether Springs as the Mother House and administrative centre of the Community are substantial, we would greatly value your integrity and generosity in this regard. British tax payers are invited to use Gift Aid for any donations.