Northumbria Community Companion, Craig McClellan, offers some reflections on St Brigid to mark St Brigid’s day – 1st February – live from Evesham Baptist Church.
Northumbria Community Companion, Craig McClellan, offers some reflections on St Brigid to mark St Brigid’s day – 1st February – live from Evesham Baptist Church.
Just to let you know that our Nether Springs and Online programme for 2025 will officially go live from 6th January 2025. More detailed information will be available after that date. Please note that overnight retreats at Nether Springs will commence again from 1st March 2025 onwards. You can find out more and BOOK HERE. […]
Excerpts from an annual antiphon walk across the sands to Lindisfarne, Northumberland. Apologies for some of the poor sound quality where the elements took over…
The Northumbria Community is looking for an experienced Operations Manager to support a dispersed, worldwide, network Christian Community, committed to a new way for living. About the role Our Mother House and operational office is based near Felton in Northumberland. It is expected that you will be based at the office, but some remote working […]
A beautiful sharing of an extended version of Kate Tristram’s ‘In the Shadow of Aidan’ from Celtic Daily Prayer Book One (Aidan: September readings), as part of a livestream from Holy Island on St Aidan’s Day – 31st August 2023.
We are delighted that our full year’s programme for Nether Springs is now available, and that our online programme is being updated alongside, through to December 2023. Nether Springs We are pleased to be updating and releasing our overview of retreats and other activities across the Northumbria Community through to December 2023. The last few years […]
For those of you still wishing to catch up with our Easter talks, liturgies and livestreams, please find them on Youtube in the playlist above. Our main Easter hub is HERE.
Sarah Pillar explores the theme of what it is to sing the Lord’s song in a strange land? How can you keep hope when ‘Home’ has changed? When the political and economic situation and the state of the planet is in crisis? How might we remain faithful in our ‘moveable tent’? What would it mean […]
On this Holy Saturday, join Dan Hazen, long-time Companion from Marysville US, as he reflects on a profound experience he had on a hike into the mountains. More resources for Holy Saturday can be found HERE.
This Good Friday, Sarah Hay explores the theme of how we can find ways of singing, as exiles, in a strange land. You can find more resources and information about Good Friday activities HERE.