A transcript of a retreat talk given by Trevor Miller. Some years ago now I spent almost nine years in prison. I might add that I was a member of staff. One of the key areas always being emphasised was that of knowing the contingency plans. That is, to know what to do in the […]
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A reflection by Trevor Miller. One of the many sayings of the Desert Fathers that are so profoundly simple that they are simply profound is this one, ‘Abba Poeman said about Abba Prior that every single day he made a fresh beginning.’ At its heart is the proven wisdom of both Scripture and Tradition that […]
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A transcript of a retreat talk given by Trevor Miller. President FD Roosevelt got tired of the many White House receptions where all he did was smile his famous big smile and utter the usual banalities to the awed guests. One day he decided to find out whether anybody was listening and paying attention to […]
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A retreat talk given by Trevor Miller in Bradford Cathedral. This familiar theme is taken from Paul Brain’s song Alone/Together – ‘building the new on foundations of old.’ This one sentence captures an indispensable truth – that an understanding of our foundations; our background and history is essential because it gives us a sense of […]
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The third part of a talk on waymarks given by Trevor Miller. Following the previous two parts we now turn to practicalities. We acknowledge that one major way to express our ethos and life is through meeting as Community Groups but how can this be achieved when they are so diverse? Here are some principles […]
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The first part of a talk on Waymarks given by Trevor Miller. An important lesson for us as a Community is well captured in the prayer towards the end of our Brendan Liturgy, ‘Lord, I will trust You, help me to journey beyond the familiar and into the unknown. Give me the faith to leave […]
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A transcript of a retreat talk given by Trevor Miller. One of God’s gifts to us as a Community is that we are all so very different – each of us a wonderfully complex mix of personhood, identity, giftedness, creativity, personality, and temperament. This is expressed in the context of the various roles, responsibilities and […]
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An article written by Trevor Miller for the New Dictionary of Theology. A. Monastic Theology If theology is the contemplation of God, then monastic theology is devoted to the inner life, practices and spiritual disciplines that nurture that contemplation. Put simply, the term ‘monastic theology’ refers not just to the local setting of the […]
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An article written by Trevor Miller for Quiet Spaces. ‘Can you tell me a little about yourselves? What is the Northumbria Community?’ These and many like them are frequently asked questions, which are not always easy to answer; not least because the Northumbria Community describes a network of people, hugely diverse, from different backgrounds, […]
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A transcript of a talk given by Trevor Miller to Community Group leaders. It’s important that we understand what we mean by covenant, because the notion of covenant or its use as a word is not familiar today, except perhaps in the marriage service. The root meaning of covenant comes from the Latin ‘con venire’ […]
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