Brigid – in welcoming  A Call to Recklessness

You will find that the prayers take you round the house, beginning:
AT THE DOORWAY, then in the LIVING ROOM. Next you move to the KITCHEN. There is a blessing to use in each BEDROOM, but special blessings to use as well in a single person’s room, a couple’s room, or a guest-room, in a child’s room, or the room of an older son or daughter. Read them carefully beforehand and decide which will be appropriate. Finally you pray a blessing AT THE DOOR or at any place where a cross or Brigid’s cross may be.
The householder reads the parts in ordinary type, and everyone reads parts in bold type.
At the Doorway
May God give His blessing to the house that is here.
God bless this house from roof to floor, from wall to wall,
from end to end, from its foundation and in its covering.
In the strong name of the Triune God
all evil be banished, all disturbance cease,
captive spirits freed, God’s Spirit alone dwell within these walls.

We call upon the Sacred Three  to save, shield and surround
this house, this home, this day, this night and every night.

In the Living Room
There is a friend’s love in the gentle heart of the Saviour.
For love of Him we offer friendship and welcome every guest.
Lord, kindle in my heart a flame of love to my neighbour,
to my enemies, my friends, my kindred all,
from the lowliest thing that liveth to the name that is highest of all.
At a Warm Place
Come to a warm place in this house, come in the name of Christ.
My heart and I agree, welcome in the name of the Lord
There is a fiery power in the gentle heart of the Spirit.
Our hearts are agreed as we kneel by the hearth,
and call on the Sacred Three
to save, shield and surround us and our kin,
this house, this home, this day, this night and every night, each single night.

In the Kitchen
I would welcome the poor and honour them.
I would welcome the sick in the presence of angels
and ask God to bless and embrace us all.
Seeing a stranger approach  I would put food in the eating place,
drink in the drinking place, music in the listening place,
and look with joy for the blessing of God,
who often comes to my home in the blessing of a stranger.

We call upon the Sacred Three to save, shield and surround
this house, this home, this day, this night, and every night.

Peace be here in the Name of the King of life,
the peace of Christ above all peace, the Lord’s blessing over you.

For the bedroom of a single person:
Peace be here in the name of the King of life,
the peace of Christ above all peace, the Lord’s blessing over you.

May God the Father be the guardian of this place and bring His peace,
that fear may find no entry here. May Christ be a chosen companion and friend.
May loneliness be banished. May the Spirit bring lightness and laughter,
and be the comforter of tears.
Courage be at each going out; rest be present at each return,
each day, each night, each going out and each returning.

For the bedroom of a married couple:
Peace be here in the Name of the King of life,
the peace of Christ above all peace, the Lord’s blessing over you.

Peace between person and person,
Peace between husband and wife.
The peace of Christ above all peace,
Peace between lovers in love of the King of life.

For a guest room:
Peace be here in the Name of the King of life,
the peace of Christ above all peace, the Lord’s blessing over you.

May all be welcomed here as the Christ-child at the stable in simplicity and joy,
and as Brigid welcomed the poor.
May the smile of the Son of Peace be found here whenever the door is opened.

In the room of a young child (said by Parent if possible):
Peace be here in the Name of the King of life,
the peace of Christ above all peace, the Lord’s blessing over you.
They say nothing is given birth without pain.
I have a secret joy in Thee, my God.
For, if Thou art my Father, Thou art my Mother too.
And of Thy tenderness, healing and patience there is no end at all
I pray for (Name).
(Name), may the joy and peace of heaven be with you.
The Lord bless you.

In the room of an older son or daughter present or absent (said by Parent):
Peace be here in the Name of the King of life,
the peace of Christ above all peace, the Lord’s blessing over you.

Son of my breast…   or  Daughter of my heart…
the joy of God be in thy face, joy to all who see thee.
The circle of God around thee, angels of God shielding thee, angels of God shielding thee
Joy of night and day be thine; joy of sun and moon be thine; joy of men and women be thine.
Each land and sea thou goest, each land and sea thou goest.
Be every season happy for thee; be every season bright for thee; be every season glad for thee.
Be thine the compassing of the God of life; be thine the compassing of the Christ of love;
be thine the compassing of the Spirit of Grace: to befriend thee and to aid thee,
(Name), thou beloved son of my breast. or (Name),  thou beloved daughter of my heart.

At the Door (or At a Cross)
Christ in our coming, and in our leaving
the Door and the Keeper, for us and our dear ones,
this day and every day blessing for always.Amen
Alternative BRIGID HOUSE BLESSING for Place of Work
May God give his blessing on this place.
God bless this dwelling from roof to floor, from wall to wall, from end to end,
from its foundation and in its covering.
 In the strong name of the Triune God
all evil be banished, all disturbance cease, woundings be healed.
God’s Spirit alone dwell within these walls.
We call upon the Sacred Three to save, shield and surround
this house, this place of work, its worship and witness this day, and every day.
May all be welcomed here in greeting and peace.
Friend and stranger, from near and far.
May each be blessed and honoured as they enter.
There is a friend’s love in the gentle heart of the Saviour.
For love of Him we offer friendship and welcome every guest.
Peace be here in the Name of the King of life,
the peace of Christ above all peace, the Lord’s blessing over you.
May God the Father be the guardian of this place and bring His peace.
Here may his will be done. Here may his love dwell.
Here may his grace abound.
May the Spirit bring lightness and laughter, be the strengthener in fear, and the comforter of tears,
inspiring thought and word and deed, uniting heart and mind.
May the Lord kindle in you a spirit of adventure, grant you courage to step out in faith,
encouragement in breaking new ground, and a love that forges fresh bonds of community.
Each day, every day, each going out, and each returning,
the Lord bless you and keep you.
Peace between person and person.
Peace between colleagues and teams.
The peace of Christ above all peace.
Peace between friends in the love and service of the King of life.
I pray for  all who work here  (Names)
May the joy and peace of heaven be with you.
The Lord bless you.
Peace be here in the Name of the King of life,
the peace of Christ above all peace,
the Lord’s blessing be within these walls.

Christ in our coming, and in our leaving, be the Door and the Keeper for us,
for all who work within this place, this day and every day, blessing for always.