We are pleased to be offering Individually Guided retreats as part of our Nether Springs programme. These retreats are suitable for anyone who is interested in exploring God more deeply, on a personal level and include three, one-to-one sessions with a retreat guide, alongside our monastic rhythms.
Spiritual formation is co-operating with the inner work of transformation the Spirit of God is seeking to accomplish in you. The Spirit’s purpose is not to turn you into a different person, but to make you into the best ‘you’ that you can be. An opportunity to explore, with the support of your retreat guide such questions as: What helps you to be more the person you believe God has made you to be? What is squeezing you into a mould and hindering you from being who you really are? How well do the roles you play, and the responsibilities you carry, fit with the person you are? You may also, of course, choose to explore other themes with your retreat guide.
To find out more and book a place: CLICK HERE
Suggested Donation: As a registered charity, The Northumbria Community Trust does not ask for a set fee to cover the cost of a retreat. Instead, we invite donations to support the life and work of the wider Community as a whole.
Many retreatants welcome a suggestion as to what might be an appropriate donation. This is always a difficult question to answer. However, for your guidance, the suggested donation is £320 for a five-day retreat; £360 for a five-day Individually Guided retreat; £160 for weekend. If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider ‘gift-aiding’ your donation. We have found that if everyone gives as they are able, in the end, there is enough to sustain the ongoing life of the Northumbria Community.
Event type: Individual Guided Retreats, Nether Springs Retreat