This retreat will enable you to learn more about who we are as Community. We are aware that many people may have ‘found’ us during this season – through our daily prayers, leadership reflections, prayer network or Monastic Living blog – and are wanting to explore further what it would mean to journey with us. Priority will be given to those who have already expressed an interest in postulancy or the novitiate but there are likely to be other spaces available.
To find out more and book: Click here
Suggested Donation: As a registered charity, The Northumbria Community Trust does not ask for a set fee to cover the cost of a retreat. Instead, we invite donations to support the life and work of the wider Community as a whole.
Many retreatants welcome a suggestion as to what might be an appropriate donation. This is always a difficult question to answer. However, for your guidance, the suggested donation is £150-£190 for a four-day retreat; £120-£150 for weekend. If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider ‘gift-aiding’ your donation. We have found that if everyone gives as they are able, in the end, there is enough to sustain the ongoing life of the Northumbria Community.
Event type: Exploring the Northumbria Community, Nether Springs Retreat