‘Times are troubled… people grieve…’
We are delighted to be releasing this special song of lament today. It is the culmination of a project that Martin Neil – a long-time Companion in Community – has been working on from his studio in Wales, over the past couple of months. It brings together voices, photographs, percussion, film clips, dance, translations and prayers from over 80 people across the Northumbria Community dispersed, worldwide network.
It is something we’ve done which we feel is from us to the world and, if you find that it touches your heart, we’d love you to support it by sharing it with your friends and family and perhaps also by putting it out on your own networks, for it to bless other people and the world.
Kyrie eleison, Christe Eleison; Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.
We pray that it will reach all of the places that God purposes and will speak powerfully to many… You can find out more about the story of the ‘Kyrie Eleison’ project HERE
The Youtube video is HERE